Borrowable Chromeboooks are only available at the Laurel Branch Library. Please contact Ask A Librarian at (240) 455-5451 to ask about availability.
Como pedir prestado
Reserve a ChromebookReservar un Chromebook
Adults ages 18 and older with library cards in good standing may borrow the Chromebooks, and one device per customer may be borrowed. No LINK or student accounts will be allowed.
Los adultos mayores de 18 años con tarjetas vigentes de la biblioteca pueden pedir prestado los Chromebooks, y un dispositivo por cliente puede ser prestado. No se permitirán cuentas de LINK ni las de estudiantes.
Customers may borrow the Chromebook for six weeks. As long as there are no hold requests from other customers, it will be renewable once.
Los clientes pueden prestar el Chromebook por seis semanas. Se podrán renovar una vez si no hay pedidos de otros clientes.
Each Chromebook is pre-loaded with the following applications:
Cada Chromebook tiene las siguientes aplicaciones:
Connecting to WiFi
Conectando a WiFi
Chromebooks are relatively easy to use. Connecting to WiFi may be the most difficult step for some customers if they haven't done it before. They should verify that they have the correct network name and password if they are having issues connecting to the internet.
Los Chromebook son relativamente fáciles de usar. Conectarse a WiFi puede ser el paso más difícil para algunos clientes si ellos no lo han hecho antes. Ellos deben verificar que tienen el nombre de la red y contraseña correcta si tienen problemas conectando al internet.
Chromebook User GuideGuía de usuario del Chromebook
Caring for the Chromebook
El cuidado del Chromebook
Here are a few tips for protecting the Chromebook:
Estos aquí son algunos consejos para proteger el Chromebook:
Damaged devices or parts will be charged at the cost of the part:
Device will be disabled after 5 days overdue.
Quick Instructions for Customers
Instrucciones para clientes
Saving your work
Guardar su trabajo
Security Issues
Problemas de seguridad
Customer FAQ's
Preguntas comunes del usuario
Adults ages 18 and older with library cards in good standing may borrow the Kill a Watt, and one device per household may be borrowed. No LINK or student accounts will be allowed. Customers must present their library card and a valid photo ID to the circulation staff. The device must be returned to the original borrowing location and cannot be returned in the bookdrop. These devices can be borrowed for one week (7 days) with three renewals. Please check the availability of the devices and place a hold. The Kill a Watt will be delivered to your chosen library location and can be picked up at the circulation desk.
Damaged devices or parts will be charged at the cost of the part: damaged case: $25.00
Playaway Launchpad tablets are for children ages 3-5 and are pre-loaded with learning apps and games. The devices offer apps on specific themes: A Day At The Zoo, All About Animals, Beep Beep Vroom Vroom, Build It Fix It, Hello! Bonjour!, Imagination Way, Peek-a-Zoo, Princess University, School of Fish, Si! Yes Si!, Transport Station, Van Gogh Go Go, Where Would You Go?, and You Auto Know.
Adults ages 18 and older with library cards in good standing may borrow the Launchpad, and one device per household may be borrowed. No LINK or student accounts will be allowed. Launchpads are circulated in a case which contains the Launchpad tablet and cord. Holds may be placed on Launchpads. These devices can be borrowed for one week (7 days) with three renewals. Launchpads should not be returned in the bookdrop.
Damaged devices or parts will be charged at the cost of the part: $10 for lost or damaged case or cord.
Find problems around the home fast, like where you’re losing heat, how your insulation’s holding up, electrical problems, and water damage – all of which are point-and-shoot and easy to find. Separate devices for Apple and Android phones are available for checkout.
Adults ages 18 and older with library cards in good standing may borrow thermal cameras, and one device per household may be borrowed. No LINK or student accounts will be allowed. Customers must present their library card and a valid photo ID to the circulation staff. The device must be returned to the original borrowing location and cannot be returned in the bookdrop. These devices can be borrowed for one week (7 days) with three renewals.
Damaged devices or parts will be charged at the cost of the part: $25 for a damaged case.
Helpful Videos:
How to Use Overheating Outlets Leaky Roofs Home Buying Water Intrustion
Administrative Office
Prince George's County Memorial Library System
9601 Capital Lane, Largo, MD 20774
Tel: (301) 699-3500
TTY: Dial 7-1-1 to place a call through Maryland Relay
Administrative Office Hours
Monday-Friday 9:00 am-5:00 pm
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