Step into the enchanting world of origami, where we'll be introduced to "Kamishibai," a captivating storytelling tradition blending illustrated paper cards and a scripted performance by the Japanese Information and Cultural Center.
Join us as we delve into the pages of "Momotarou," a tale as old as time, where a brave boy emerges from a peach and embarks on a heroic journey to vanquish a fearsome ogre, aided by his loyal animal companions.
Following this mesmerizing narrative, immerse yourself in the hands-on experience of crafting a samurai hat from recycled newspaper as we ignite creativity and eco-consciousness in young minds. Don't miss this opportunity to explore, create, and connect with stories that transcend time and culture!
AGE GROUP: | Young Children (0-5 yrs) | Elementary (5-12 yrs) |
EVENT TYPE: | Kids Read | Asian Pacific American Heritage |
TAGS: | Story Explorers | Kids Read | Asian Pacific American Heritage | APAH |
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